En 1947, l'ONU approuvait la résolution 181 qui décidait la partition de la Palestine et permettait la création artificielle de l'Etat d'Israël. La Quatrième...
Dans un communiqué publié le 31 octobre, différents syndicats belges du secteur de la manutention signifient leur « refus de manutentionner du matériel militaire...
By Martha Grevatt
September 15, 2023
Toledo, Ohio
For the first time in its 88-year history, the United Auto Workers is striking Ford, General Motors and...
By Isaac Nellist
September 4, 2023
You will undoubtedly have noticed the rapidly rising price of food on your recent grocery shop. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, food...
By Sonali Kolhatkar
originally published by Resilience.org
August 11, 2023
This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
As temperatures soar in...
The FIR always recalls the great traditions of the national resistance movements and their historical legacy. One of the most important events of the...
Par Danielle RIVA
Des Millions de salariés, une unité syndicale irréprochable, mais … une défaite.
Malheureusement la mobilisation importante autour la plateforme solidaire syndicale ne...
by Samir Amin
Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...