Workers Movement
Massive General Strike in Chile Demands a Constituent Assembly
A wide range of sectors joined the strike as port, agro-industrial, commercial, banking, health, and public services workers, as well as teachers and students.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon accuse Emmanuel Macron d’avoir “mis de l’huile sur le...
Jean-Luc Mélenchon accuse Emmanuel Macron d'avoir "mis de l'huile sur le feu"
Nov.3, 2019
"Le président de la République a jeté de l'huile sur le feu....
Chicago Teachers and UAW Members Show That Labor Movement Is Back...
November 01, 2019
The end of the Chicago teachers’ strike comes amid a wave of labor movements, including the longest United Auto Workers strike in...
Appel de l’ADA 4: « Tous ensemble, tous unis et cette...
3 Novembre 2019
Appel adopté par les délégués de l’ADA 4 des Gilets Jaunes de Montpellier, le 5 décembre 2019
LIRE AUSSI : Montpellier : Du...
Ken Loach on Workers and Capitalism, Brexit and Corbyn
Ken Loach: "They want the poor to believe that they are without power"
Ken Loach : « Ils veulent faire croire aux pauvres...
SNCF : les billets remboursés à 100%, les prévisions du trafic...
Ce lundi, les trains Ouigo, dont le trafic a été très perturbé, voire nul, de même que les TGV, "circuleront normalement", a précisé la...
Inside Chicago’s historic teachers’ strike
Today, over 30,000 Chicago teachers and support staff took to the picket lines in a massive strike. In These Times has been on the...
Près de neuf Français sur dix soutiennent la grève des urgences,...
Ce mouvement est encore largement soutenu au sein même de l'hôpital : 93% des personnels hospitaliers soutiennent la grève
Près de neuf Français sur dix (89%)...
Greek workers walk out to protest against reform on strike action
Transport disrupted as workers stage walk out against proposed changes unions say will make it hard to call strikes
Sept. 24, 2019
Workers in Greece have staged their first...
Linking Popular Movements and Unions Is a Winning Strategy for Workers
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
September 02, 2019
After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and...