Protests set to intensify across Poland as abortion ban comes into effect
The National Women’s Strike in Poland called for countrywide protests after the controversial...
28 janvier 2021
À bord de l’Ocean Viking, de nombreuses femmes originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne témoignent des violences sexuelles, de la torture et des...
By Graham Hryce, an Australian journalist and former media lawyer, whose work has been published in The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, the...
By Hans Baer
October 30, 2020
Photo: Peter Boyle
Over the past four decades or so, various leftists have become more sensitive to the environmental degradation in...
Sep. 29, 2020
Color-matching company Pantone has launched a new shade of red aimed at emboldening “people who menstruate.” But the woke gesture to ‘that...
23 September 2020
Today, 23 September, a series of major Silicon Valley corporations – Zoom, Facebook and YouTube (Google) – joined hands with racist, right-wing,...
According to a personal security survey, out of approximately 153,000 cases of sexual harassment in 2018, only 4,814 reported it to centers that provide...
8 mars 2020
Ces textes et témoignages sont tirés de la brochure produite par l’assemblée anti-CRA, qui intervient sur les Centres de rétention administrative et...
September 4, 2018
TEHRAN – A cooperative company is to be formed in order to organize activities of female vendors, Seyed Hamid Kalantari, deputy minister...
13 août
Manifestation de femmes indigènes contre la politique de Bolsonaro
Des centaines de femmes indigènes ont manifesté au Brésil ce 13 août pour défendre leurs...