Friday, 21 February , 2025


Néolibéralisme et Environnement en Europe Ou Le problème c’est le bouchon!

Par Franklin Frederick Ce samedi 20 juillet, plus de dix mille personnes ont participé à une manifestation dans la petite ville de Melle, dans le...

Neoliberalism and the environment in Europe Or The bottle cap is...

By Franklin Frederick This Saturday, July 20, over ten thousand people took part in a demonstration in the small town of Melle, in the Poitou...

‘Barely a drop to drink’: children in the Gaza Strip do...

Water and sanitation services are at the point of collapse with large-scale disease outbreaks looming, UNICEF warns 20 December 2023 Recently displaced children in the southern Gaza...

Statement by the UN Human Rights Office – OPT on access...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 15 November 2023 We are gravely concerned at the announcement by UNRWA that fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip will be imminently depleted....

La Confédération paysanne et le CETIM saisissent l’ONU au sujet des...

La Confédération paysanne et le CETIM ont déposé auprès de l'ONU une saisine au sujet des méga-bassines. Cette saisine vise à dénoncer les violations...

Nestlé’s Blatant Misconduct Shows Us the Darkness of Capitalism

From inventing the need for mass-scale baby formula leading to the deaths of infants, to redirecting much needed water from impoverished areas to bottle...

Brazil water survey heightens alarm over extreme drought

By DIANE JEANTET August 27, 2021 The Brazilian scientists were skeptical. They ran different models to check calculations, but all returned the same startling result. The country...

Clean and clear: Can we produce drinking water without leaving a...

Producing clean drinking water can be highly energy intensive. But in Saudi Arabia, one of the driest places on earth, there’s a growing industry...

Launching of the Campaign: Water is a Global Public Good

Mar.27, 2021 This post is also available in: Spanish, French, Italian 23 March 2021. Water continues to be a commodity, ransacked, subjected to devastating commercial and financial...

Backing Push for Public Ownership, Tlaib Will Join Virtual Rally to...

"Communities across the continent are now calling for Nestlé's existing contracts to end, and for local stewardship over the groundwater." by Jessica Corbett Mar.17, 2021 Justice campaigners...