Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

War on terror

Destroying People Rights and Democracy to “fight terror”

For Years, Reporters Questioned the Terror Prosecution of Hamid Hayat. Now He’s Been Freed. By Trevor Aaronson August 16 2019 After spending 14 years in prison on...

A Brief Review of US Efforts to Promote Sectarian Mass Murder...

July 11, 2018 by William Van Wagenen When the Russian military intervened in the Syrian war in October 2015, many in the Western press complained bitterly, demanding that US...

Creative Chaos?

By David Lorimer May 24, 2018 Review of David Ray Griffin, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World (Olive Branch Press, 2017, 398...

How colonial violence came home: the ugly truth of the first...

The Great War is often depicted as an unexpected catastrophe. But for millions who had been living under imperialist rule, terror and degradation were...

Trump Poised to Drop Some Limits on Drone Strikes and Commando...

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to dismantle key Obama-era limits on drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefields, according to officials...

Behind “Radical Islamic Terror”

CIA Required to Train and Defeat ISIL September 20, 2014 Funny as it is deadly but this is the game Israel /Corporate US want to play....

US War on Terror: Provocations, Mystifications, and Illusory Feats

By Nil NIKANDROV 08.09.2011 A decade ago, the World Trade Center was destroyed in “a terrorist attack” on September 11 in New York. Contrary to all...

Democracy and War on Islam and Terror – a warning from...

The colossal hypocrisy of Obama’s speech, and the absurdity of his pose as the defender of “the rule of law” and democratic rights, are underscored by reference to the Nuremberg Tribunals. What Obama did not mention is the declaration of the chief prosecutor at the tribunal, US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, that the basic crime alleged against the accused Nazi leaders was the planning and execution of a war of aggression, from which, Jackson said, all the other war crimes flowed. By this standard, the top officials of the Obama administration, including Obama himself, deserve to be hauled before a new tribunal to face war crimes charges.

Sahra Wagenecht on Gabriel, SPD, AfD, War on Terror

Sahra Wagenknecht: We have been successfully running the Bundestag campaign for more than a year now. The Left is now highr in all surveys than in 2013, despite the strength of the AfD. The climate in the faction has also improved. There is a relationship of trust between Dietmar Bartsch and myself, we work well together. This is the prerequisite for a successful election campaign.

We Love to Talk of Terror

The frightful and bloody hours of Friday night and Saturday morning in Munich and Kabul – despite the 3,000 miles that separate the two cities – provided a highly instructive lesson in the semantics of horror and hypocrisy. I despair of that generic old hate-word, “terror”. It long ago became the punctuation mark and signature tune of every facile politician, policeman, journalist and think tank crank in the world.