Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


After their attacks on climate science, industrial lobbyists target the scientific...

by Olivier Petitjean 6 February 2018 A nebulous coalition of industry-sponsored players, deregulation lobbyists and the far right has formed to deny or downplay the health...

Quand Ford et Volkswagen livraient leurs ouvriers syndicalistes aux tortionnaires des...

par Rachel Knaebel 5 janvier 2018 Fin décembre, un procès inédit a débuté en Argentine : d’anciens cadres de la multinationale automobile Ford sont jugés pour leur...

Diesel Emissions: EU Commission Has Known for Years about Manipulation

The European Commission insists that it knew nothing about diesel emissions manipulations perpetrated by Volkswagen and other automobile manufacturers. Documents obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE show otherwise.