Saturday, 22 February , 2025


An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right

Israel has been engaging far-right groups and parties across Europe, ignoring their anti-Semitism. By Ramzy Baroud internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author. Romana Rubeo freelance writer...

Rome vs. Brussels. Economic policies of the “Radical”-Far Right

Comment on the dispute between the Italian government and the European Commission on Italy's draft budget 2019 by Klaus Draeger* Dec.9, 2018 On macro-economics the Italian government...

Political Persecutions in Eastern Europe to prepare War with Russia (and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos We have witnessed during the last two years the multiplication of cases of political repressions in various Eastern European countries, like Poland,...

Poland: Towards a Proto-Fascist State

Poland Purges Supreme Court, and Protesters Take to Streets By Marc Santora July 3, 2018     WARSAW — Poland’s government carried out a sweeping purge of the Supreme...

Igor Dodon, Président de la Moldavie: Je plaide pour un protectionnisme...

15 februarie 2018 Entretien accordé en exclusivité au site par le Président de la République Moldave, Igor Dodon, réalisé par Ghenadie Vaculovschi : FLUX : Monsieur le...

A Russian view on European trends

Results of 2017 and Prognosis for 2018: Europe 04.01.2018 The populist moment: 2017 The European political space went through global changes in 2017. Parties that were marginalised...

Igor Dodon, President of Moldova: I plead for rational protectionism and...

15 February 2018 Interview with Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova, conducted by Ghenadie Vaculovschi granted exclusively to FLUX.MD FLUX: Mr. President, it has...

Les difficultés d’Angela Merkel mettent Macron au pied du mur, par...

Madame Merkel rencontre, à l’évidence, des difficultés extrêmes pour former un gouvernement. Le Président de la république, qui en Allemagne n’a qu’un rôle honorifique,...