Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Parliament vote condemns police brutality against peaceful protesters

The European Parliament has condemned the excessive force and violence* used by police forces on peaceful protesters across Europe in recent times which have...

Violence patronale, violence ouvrière (Jaurès et Clemenceau, 1906)

Juin 1906. Les premiers mois de cette année 1906 furent marqués par de nombreuses grèves. A la Chambre, mi- juin, plusieurs débats opposent le...

Etienne Chouard : «Le référendum d’initiative populaire est la cause commune...

Dec 11, 2018 Professeur d'économie et de droit, Etienne Chouard réfléchit depuis des années sur la démocratie. Il défend le tirage au sort et le...

If Senseless Violence Continues, America Will Be a Total Police State...

Unfortunately for us, the horrible massacres that occurred in Dallas are exactly the sort of thing that the status quo wants to see. It further divides the public and it creates a justification for more militarization of the police, more surveillance and less civil liberties. Guess who’s going to be most negatively impacted by all of that? Black people, poor people, and the disenfranchised generally.