By Chris Sweeney
23 Nov, 2020
While three vaccines have been lauded internationally for their promising clinical trial results, a Russian produced one is being dismissed...
El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 16 de noviembre de 2020
“La posibilidad de una vacuna (contra el coronavirus) parece, digo parece, muy positiva”...
By Paul Joseph Watson
via Summit News
November 18, 2020
A law in Denmark that would have given authorities the power to forcibly inject people with a...
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Suite à la pandémie actuelle de coronavirus...
By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov
3 Nov 2020
Hungary has started negotiations regarding the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines last Friday and Monday over the phone with Russian Trade...
By Filippa Lentzos, Guy Reeves,
September 18, 2020
Once a COVID-19 vaccine is approved for public use, officials around the world will face the monumental...
15 Sep, 2020
The Philippines’ president has promised to “kick the a**” of Western pharma giants if they try to negotiate supplying Covid-19 vaccines to...