Monday, 24 February , 2025


U.S. Nuclear War Plan Option Sought Destruction of China and Soviet...

Edited by William Burr Aug 15, 2018 Pre-delegation Instructions Excluded Yugoslavia from Attack on “Sino-Soviet” Nations SIOP-64 Established Overkill Levels of Expected Damage: 95 Percent The SIOP Revisited U.S....

Pourquoi les physiciens US ont transmis à l’URSS le secret de...

07.08.2018 Le dévoilement du secret de la bombe atomique américaine reste l'un des plus grands échecs des services secrets américains. La recherche active d'agents soviétiques, qui...

Political Persecutions in Eastern Europe to prepare War with Russia (and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos We have witnessed during the last two years the multiplication of cases of political repressions in various Eastern European countries, like Poland,...

Stalin’s Breakdown

During his thirty-year rule of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin succeeded in stifling all opposition. There was never a serious threat to his leadership....

Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Power...

by John Laforge April 27, 2018 The radiation dispersed into the environment by the three reactor meltdowns at Fukushima-Daiichi in Japan has exceeded that of the...

Zone of storms

Review of Samir Amin's, October 1917: Revolution A Century Later (Daraja Press, 2017) by Theo V. Kenji Apr 22, 2018 In the five essays presented in...

Crisis in Armenia: Is the Empire attacking Russia from the South?

Western-Backed Regime Change Looms As Armenia PM Resigns Following Mass Protests by Tyler Durden Mon, 04/23/2018 - 08:56 After 11 days of mass protests and violent...

Deutscher on Russia and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (1967)

We reproduce here the essay of an important Marxist historian, Isaac Deutsher, who deals with the Arab-Israeli War and US/USSR policy in the Middle...

Lessons from the Past: Τhe Arab-Israeli War

We reproduce here an excerpt from the essay of an important Marxist historian, Isaac Deutsher, who deals with the Arab-Israeli War and US/USSR policy...

Des fleurs pour les occupants soviétiques et des tapis rouges pour...

Par Iurie Roșca 24 martie 2018 Quand on voit comment le gouvernement d’aujourd’hui se prosterne devant les «partenaires stratégiques » – la Trinité du Mal (FMI,...