Monday, 3 March , 2025


The US media’s neo-McCarthyite campaign for war against Russia

The American population is being subjected to a furious barrage of propaganda by the media and political establishment aimed at paving the way to war. The campaign was sharply escalated this week, beginning with Wednesday’s publication of a lead article in the New York Times. Based entirely on unnamed sources and flimsy and concocted evidence, it was presented as definitive proof of Russia’s hacking of Democratic Party emails and waging of “cyberwar” against the United States.

Détente Now: A New Call for Peace, Security, and Cooperation

A transatlantic appeal for a new policy of détente with Russia has been launched. The declaration’s authors invite the general public to join leading political figures and social activists who have publicly rallied to support the call.

USA – McCarthy still alive!

A shady website that claims “Russia is Manipulating US Opinion Through Online Propaganda” has compiled a blacklist of websites its anonymous authors accuse of pushing fake news and Russian propaganda. The blacklist includes over 200 outlets, from the right-wing Drudge Report and Russian government-funded Russia Today, to Wikileaks and an array of marginal conspiracy and far-right sites.

Noam Chomsky on Trump, Baltics, Crimea, Israel, Climatic Change

In a special UpFront interview, renowned US academic and public intellectual Noam Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the implications of a Donald Trump presidency, on both domestic and global issues.

Trump, Flynn and the anti-Islam” Lobby

Flynn had advised Trump through his campaign and was once considered a potential running mate. The retired Army lieutenant general served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the service that specializes in providing intelligence to the military until he was forced out in 2014 after reported leadership clashes.

Syrian fighting intensifies

Syrian fighters and helicopters carried out airstrikes against eastern Aleppo, where Russia had maintained a suspension of all air operations for the past month. Russia, meanwhile, confirmed that it had conducted bombing runs and missile strikes for the first time from the war fleet it has positioned off the Syrian coast in the eastern Mediterranean. The Russian Defense Ministry said that its forces had hit ISIS and the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusra Front in the countryside of Idlib and Hama.

Ron Paul on Trump, deep state, the war against Terror

With the surprise election of Donald Trump, can we expect an equally surprising foreign policy from him? During the campaign he provided us with a glimpse of his thinking. Will there be a Trump Doctrine?! RT'S PETER LAVELLE INTERVIEWS DR. RON PAUL

Inside The Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, CLINTON & TRUMP

Some may remember in 2003 a succession of BBC reporters turning to the camera and telling us that Blair was "vindicated" for what turned out to be the crime of the century. The US television networks produced the same validation for George W. Bush. Fox News brought on Henry Kissinger to effuse over Colin Powell's fabrications.

CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report

The CIA is reportedly planning a “clandestine” cyberattack on Russia, in retaliation for its alleged efforts to influence the US elections against Hillary Clinton. The “wide-ranging operation” is meant to “embarrass” Russia’s leadership, NBC News reported. “Current and former officials,” who the report claims have direct knowledge of the situation, say the CIA has been tasked with providing options to the White House.

West is playing with nuclear war

By Robert Stevens Britain’s ruling elite are making advanced preparations towards a major escalation of military operations in Syria. Parliament met in an emergency three-hour session...