Sunday, 23 February , 2025


The Brewing Collapse of the Western Monetary System

It is hard to believe that Washington would risk a war with Russia, being well aware of Russia’s superiority in the air, as well as on and under the sea with latest generation technology and nuclear war heads. But the exceptional nation on a declining course, knows no scruples pulling the entire humanity into her self-made abyss.

Who and why masterminded September 11th?

The public release Friday afternoon of a section of the Congressional report on the 9/11 attacks, which had been kept secret for 13 years, has provided fresh evidence of a deliberate coverup of the role played, not only by the Saudi government, but US intelligence agencies themselves, in facilitating the attacks and then covering up their real roots.

Voters deserve responsible nationalism not reflex globalism

Populist opposition to international integration is on the rise in much of continental Europe and has always been the norm in Latin America. The question now is what should be the guiding principles of international economic policy? How should those of us — who believe that the vastly better performance of the global system after the second world war than after the first world war is largely due to more enlightened economic policies — make our case?

If Senseless Violence Continues, America Will Be a Total Police State...

Unfortunately for us, the horrible massacres that occurred in Dallas are exactly the sort of thing that the status quo wants to see. It further divides the public and it creates a justification for more militarization of the police, more surveillance and less civil liberties. Guess who’s going to be most negatively impacted by all of that? Black people, poor people, and the disenfranchised generally.

From Cops to Clinton: Impunity Corrupts

Wednesday, two shocking videos of police officers fatally shooting civilians (Alton Sterling and Philando Castile) surfaced. The day before, many were appalled to hear the Director of the FBI announce that Hillary Clinton would not be charged for mishandling classified information. The two events may seem unrelated, but at bottom, they concern the same fundamental problem: impunity

1,400 US Mayors Just Slammed the White House for Risking Nuclear...

(ANTIMEDIA) Indianapolis, IN — War games and nuclear policy perpetuated by the Obama administration are“fueling growing tensions” with Russia and putting the world at risk of a nuclear war, according to an official nonpartisan organization consisting of 1,407 mayors and other leaders of cities with 30,000 or more inhabitants.

Obama-Era Suicide Rate Is The Highest In 30 Years

We often show trended data relating to financials, but one sobering trend that we have come across is something entirely different - death by suicides. We have discussed the fact that many bankers have been committing suicide, but the overall trend has increased dramatically over the past 15 years.

A Policy of Non-Intervention in Venezuela Would Be a Welcome Change

Washington has caused enormous damage to Venezuela in its relentless pursuit of “regime change” for the last 15 years. In March, President Obama once again absurdly declared Venezuela to be an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” and extended economic sanctions against the country.

The Day After, by James K. Galbraith

The groundwork for the Brexit debacle was laid last July when Europe crushed the last progressive pro-European government the EU is likely to see – the SYRIZA government elected in Greece in January 2015. Most Britons were not directly engaged with the Greek trauma.

Combat Robots: On the Surface and Underwater

There is the widespread belief that unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, are used as an alternative air reconnaissance and for strikes against distant targets. The United States used them in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and other countries