Wednesday, 22 January , 2025

US Revolt

Les sans-abri de Philadelphie emménagent dans des logements de la ville...

22 juin 2020 Philadelphie, PA - Les défenseurs du logement ont révélé qu'ils ont facilité le déménagement de résidents de la ville auparavant non logés...

Brass Salute the Constitution. Will They Let Trump Start Unconstitutional War?

by Paul W. Lovinger Posted on June 17, 2020 Nationwide protests had erupted over police killings of black people. Near the White House, tear gas...

“Une forme politique issue de la lutte” : Une interview sur... Magazine Viewpoint 17 juin 2020Il y a quelques jours, Viewpoint s'est assis le 13 juin avec P, un militant basé à Seattle, pour une...

A Manifesto for the United States of America, Part I

by Paul Larudee June 20th, 2020 The impunity of U.S. police in killing and brutalizing blacks, native Americans, other minorities and the poor is being...

“A Political Form Built Out of Struggle”: An Interview on the...

June 17, 2020 Photo: Mural on Pine and Broadway. Image credit: @saint.jermain A few days ago Viewpoint sat down on June 13 with P, an activist...

Hands off the monuments to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant!

22 June 2020 In recent weeks, participants in demonstrations against police violence in the United States have demanded the removal of monuments to Confederate leaders...

Facebook removes Trump campaign ads that used Nazi symbol

By Euronews with AP  19/06/2020 Facebook has removed campaign ads funded by the Trump campaign due to the use of a symbol previously used by Nazis to...

«Nous sommes témoins de l’une des plus grandes rébellions de l’histoire...

Entretien avec Viewpoint Magazine 12 juin 2020 Depuis deux semaines les États-Unis sont ébranlés par un soulèvement sans précédent. Suite au meurtre par asphyxie de...

Do not belittle protesters in US by calling their struggle a...

Text and Photos: Andre Vltchek For almost a decade, I have been covering “Color Revolutions” in virtually all parts of the world. While making a...