Wednesday, 12 March , 2025

US Politics

Berniecrats feeling burned as Sanders keeps mum on Assange’s arrest

A day after Julian Assange was arrested, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took the time to post a video… about himself. Fans quickly flooded...

To Celebrate or to Not? The Mueller Question

by Joshua Frank March 26, 2019 Finally, it’s over. Well, sort of, anyway. Late Sunday afternoon, Attorney General Bill Barr released his much-anticipated summary of...

The Alt-Right Declares War on Trump for Betrayal on Immigration, Opposes...

By Patrick Fleming Mar 23, 2019 This is a major development which has not been widely noted in the media, alternative or mainstream. Over the last two...

Exposing Israeli interference in the US

By Ali Abunimah  25 March 2019 After more than two years of media hype and hyperventilation, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has finally concluded that...

Trump on Golan: A Netanyahu’s marionette

Israeli lawmakers welcome Trump’s Golan recognition as ‘historic, brave’ Center and right-wing politicians hail dramatic US announcement, but Union of Right-Wing Parties warns it shouldn’t...

The Youth Climate Strike

14 March 2019 Hundreds of thousands of students and young people are expected to take part this Friday in a worldwide Youth Climate Strike to...

Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are...

By Maddy Fernands, Isra Hirsi, Haven Coleman, Alexandria Villaseñor, March 7, 2019 Editor’s note: The authors are the lead organizers of US Youth Climate Strike,...

Failure in Hanoi. Bolton accused.

Breakdown in Hanoi Summit Shows the Real Danger on the Korean Peninsula: Donald Trump’s America By Jon Schwarz February 28 2019 What’s the bottom line on the...

Ready for War: Trump turns Latin America into a second Middle...

US amasses special ops in Puerto Rico, army in Colombia to oust Maduro – Russian Security Council By deploying troops and special ops forces to...

Philip Giraldi: “The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam”

“An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”– Joe Sobran By Philip Giraldi February...