Saturday, 11 January , 2025


John Bolton doubles down on Trump’s Iran threat to inflict ‘a...

Meanwhile Secretary of State Mike Pompeo likened Iran's leader to the mafia 24 Jul, 2018 John Bolton has bolstered Donald Trump’s threat to Iran, saying the...

Leaked Netanyahu Tape: We Made Trump Cancel The Iran Deal

by Tyler Durden Wed, 07/18/201 On Tuesday an Israeli television channel aired leaked video footage it obtained exclusively showing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasting that he...

Israel is dictating to Europe its policy on Iran

Ex-Israeli Official: EU Has No Choice But to Go Along With US on Iran Deal 17.07.2018 The US has made it clear for the EU that...

La justice américaine établit un lien entre Israël et Daech

Jul 7, 2018 La justice américaine a inculpé une Israélienne qui recrutait sur les réseaux sociaux des éléments au profit du groupe terroriste Daech. La...

A US-Russia summit or an Israel-Russia one? Who is governing the...

Tensions over Syria deepen following Helsinki summit By Bill Van Auken 18 July 2018 Amid the hysterical denunciations of President Donald Trump by the US media,...

Hasbara is dead

By Philip Weiss July 10, 2018 Maybe it was when Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would respond to flaming kites from Gaza with an “iron fist.” Or maybe...

Scapegoating Iran

By Chris Hedges Jun 10, 2018 NEW YORK—Seventeen years of war in the Middle East and what do we have to show for it? Iraq after...

Netanyahu Lists Two Israeli Demands on Syria He Wants to Discuss...

08.07.2018 Despite Iran’s statements that the country has only been providing military advisory support to Bashar al-Assad’s government, senior Israeli officials have on numerous occasions...

The Iran Obsession and the Helsinki Summit

By Daniel Larison July 2, 2018 The Trump administration wants Russian help in expelling Iranian forces from Syria: National-security adviser John Bolton said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s...

Trump’s Iran Gambit Won’t Pay Off

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich It is as clear as day that President Trump is obsessed with regime change in Iran.  What is not made clear is...