Friday, 14 March , 2025

US foreign policy

Happy New Year

By William Blum January 5th, 2018 2018 is going to be a fun fun year. And to better prepare yourself for all the merrymaking here is...

Interrogations sur la stratégie palestinienne | par Michel Warschawski

Mahmoud Abbas, une rupture en trompe-l’œil avec Donald Trump 22 janvier 2018 La décision de Donald Trump de transférer l’ambassade des États-Unis à Jérusalem et de...

US escalates war for annexation of Syria

By Bill Van Auken 25 January 2018 In its first National Defense Strategy document issued in over a decade, the Pentagon this month bluntly declared that...

Who Lost Turkey?

"Who Lost Turkey?" - The U.S.-Kurdish Project In Syria Endangers NATO January 25, 2018 Back in the 1950s the U.S. political sphere was poisoned by a...

Neocons hope Kurds will beat Turkey

Could the Kurds beat Turkey in Syria? by Michael Rubin Jan 22, 2018, After a multi-day artillery barrage, the Turkish Army has begun its push into Afrin,...

Protests in Honduras intensify leading up to inauguration day

Source: Colombia Informa The Dawn News January 23, 2018 Juan Orlando Hernández, who was “elected” president in Honduras as a result of fraud and corruption, will...

Erasing Obama’s Iran Success

January 3, 2018 The nihilism of modern American politics extends globally with one side seeking to destroy any positive legacy of the other, as the Trump administration continues...

A Korean military conflict could mean World War III, says Citi’s...

By Cheang Ming 14 Sept 2017 The outbreak of military conflict on the Korean Peninsula would be destabilizing and could possibly result in a global...

Whither the Anti-war Movement?

The duopoly succumbed to the war machine, while organized resistance got pushed to the fringe. By Daniel Martin Global Research, December 28, 2017 “Imagine there’s no heaven…and...

‘We’re going to attack Iraq,’ Israel told the US. ‘Move your...

On 27th anniversary of Saddam's 1991 Scud missile strikes at Israel, Defense Ministry releases interviews with senior officials on how close Israel came to...