Sunday, 23 February , 2025

US foreign policy

Lies and secrets in the White House

By Zalman Shoval In a recent New York Times piece by David Samuels, U.S. President Barack Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben...

Who rules the world? America is no longer the obvious answer

By Noam Chomsky When we ask “who rules the world?” we commonly adopt the standard convention that the actors in world affairs are states, primarily...

On US-Saudi ties

The following article published in the review Salon has a lot of information and is characteristic of new geopolitical realignments, if not "regime" and...

The new conflict in Caucasus, East-West relations and Syria

  By Alexis Coleman The most serious fighting since 1996, with dozens of victims, has erupted between Azeris and Armenians, in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Karabakh conflict was “frozen”...

The Kurdish question, the fate of Syria and the “greater Middle...

The Kurds, a nation numbering tens of millions of people is, along with Palestinians, one of the most persecuted and suffering nations during all...

Neoconservatives against Erdogan

Dear President Erdogan, Welcome to Washington. Your visit comes at a critical moment in U.S.-Turkish relations. Within the past decade, many of Turkey’s friends here were...

Christians in the Middle East: USA, Τurkey and Armenians

Robert Fisk, the Beirut based veteran correspondent of the British "Independent" for the Middle East has written a very interesting article comparing the situation with...

Behind Terror and Anti-Terror

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Stop discussing about the roots of terrorism, stop debating our policies in the Middle East (and all the Third World, but those...

USA prepare war against Russia

Dr. Strangelove is back They say “War is too serious a thing to trust Generals with it”. Hearing the testimony of senior American General Breedlove...

Presstitutes At Work

By Paul Craig Roberts This morning I was stuck in front of a Fox “News” broadcast for a short period and then with a NPR...