Monday, 10 March , 2025

US foreign policy

According To His Tweets, Trump’s North Korea Policy Will Constitute Genocide

Bombastic rhetoric aside, the president’s self-expressed response to North Korea would defy the UN and spur a global crisis. By Marjorie Cohn, Contributor Professor Emerita at...

Washington is Looking for War in Korea

U.S. Pressed to Pursue Deal to Freeze North Korea Missile Tests By DAVID E. SANGER and GARDINER HARRIS JUNE 21, 2017 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has...

The dream of destroying Iran

The Dream to Destroy Iran-Nuke Accord With Israel and Saudi Arabia still lusting for war with Iran, President Trump and his disdain for reality about...

Descent into barbarism

Descent into barbarism: Trump makes virtue out of war and genocide at the UN By Finian Cunningham It can’t get more outrageous. US President Donald Trump...

Τhe Course to Nuclear War: Trump threatens, the World remains silent!...

In danger of repeating the 1914 and 1933-39 scenarios Trump makes another reckless threat against North Korea By Peter Symonds In another act of utter recklessness, US...

Sanders Foreign Policy Speech at Westminster College

By Bernie Sanders Let me begin by thanking Westminster College, which year after year invites political leaders to discuss the important issue of foreign...

Ex-CIA agent tweets article blaming Jews for US wars, then apologizes

Valerie Plame Wilson links to piece called 'America's Jews are driving America's wars,' then says she is of 'Jewish decent,' finally says she made...

Starve them to Death!

Starve Them to Death: Wall Street Journal’s Solution to North Korea By Mike Whitney The editors at the Wall Street Journal have settled on a plan...

Trump’s UN Speech, by Paul Craig Roberts

I listened to part of Trump’s UN speech this morning. I was so embarrassed for him and for my country that I had to...

Trump delights Netanyahu

Trump Delights Netanyahu With Belligerent and Nationalist Right-wing UN Speech In threatening to 'totally destroy' North Korea, Trump resorted to rhetoric once reserved for half-crazed...