Saturday, 29 March , 2025

US election

As Trump plays golf, family reportedly divided over conceding election defeat

Whereas First Lady Melania and son-in-law Jared Kushner said to be in favor of accepting loss, sons Don Jr. and Eric are rallying support...

Jewish, anti – Muslim, Far Right activist loses in Trump’s home...

Anti-Muslim candidate Laura Loomer loses U.S. House race Nov. 4, 2020 Far-right conspiracy theorist and self-described "proud Islamophobe" Laura Loomer has lost her House race to...

Scandale Facebook : «Pas besoin de fake news pour manipuler l’opinion...

INTERVIEW. Fabrice Epelboin, spécialiste des réseaux sociaux, décrypte le scandale Cambridge Analytica, cette société de communication qui a subtilisé des millions de données personnelles...

America to end ‘era of endless wars’ & stop being policeman,...

13 Jun, 2020 US President Donald Trump has declared that America will shift its focus from waging “endless wars” and being the “policeman of the...

Would-be führer Trump steps up coup plotting

12 June 2020 Donald Trump is stepping up his efforts to manufacture a pretext for a declaration of martial law and the deployment of the...

Bernie Sanders’ speechwriter on the senator’s softer side, the heart attack...

David Sirota tells Andrew Buncombe the Democrats can win back the White House – if Joe Biden pays heed to progressives Jun 10, 2020 During the course of...

Neoliberal Globalizers vs. Neocon Neofascists, Army vs. the President

Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Apologizes For Role In Trump Photo Op | NBC Nightly News Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...

The Sanders’ Revolution

Sanders wins sweeping victory in Nevada By Patrick Martin 23 February 2020 Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won a sweeping victory in Saturday’s Democratic Party caucuses in...

Outrage after MSNBC host compares Bernie Sanders’ Nevada win to Nazi...

US TV network MSNBC is under pressure to fire host Chris Matthews after he compared Bernie Sander’s Nevada caucus win to Nazi Germany’s invasion...

Sanders’ rise and the “Russian connection”

Anyone but Bernie, cries the Establishment February 23, 2020 BERNIE Sanders has won the Nevada primary and won it well. He scored heavily among young voters...