Saturday, 11 January , 2025


Le Grand dessin de Washington : rassembler l’OTAN face à la...

Par M. K. Bhadrakumar Le sommet des 3 et 4 décembre de l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) à Londres ressemble à une réunion...

For Pompeo, the Chinese CP is the central threat of our...

Pompeo names ‘the central threat of our times’ and guess what it is… It’s the Chinese Communist Party 30 Jan, 2020 US Secretary of State Mike...

‘Major defeat for the US’: Backlash at home & abroad for...

28 Jan, 2020 The UK government’s decision to allow Chinese telecoms giant Huawei to continue working on Britain’s 5G networks – with ‘restricted’ access –...

EU defies US’ calls to ban Huawei, granting Chinese tech firm...

29 Jan, 2020 The European Commission has issued its guidance on 5G and the role that “high-risk” vendors should play in networks. It followed the...

La géopolitique de l’élection britannique

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 5 décembre 2019 Les élections britanniques prévues le 12 décembre constituent une étape importante pour l'évolution de la situation européenne et mondiale. Il...

We are clearly in for some very nasty trouble in the...

Unintended Consequences: Did Trump Just Give the Middle East to China and Russia? By F. William Engdahl Global Research, January 15, 2020 By the series of actions...

Pompeo and the rise of totalitarianism. Destroying rule of law, making...

Pompeo says Soleimani killing part of new strategy to deter U.S. foes By Humeyra Pamuk, Jonathan Landay January 14, 2020 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State...

What do tense US-Iranian relations mean for China, North Korea?

Asian nations likely to be affected differently, with economic risks for Beijing and Pyongyang eyeing strategic gains by Nyshka Chandran 13 Jan 2020 Deepening fractures in the...

Trump bides his time, but the preparations for war against Iran...

By Bill Van Auken and David North 9 January 2020 The speech delivered Wednesday by US President Donald Trump in the wake of Iran’s firing of...

Bankers replay the Third Reich coup with the integrated EU

By Valérie Bugault December 14th, 2019 The post of European Commissioner for Thierry Breton is very, very wide (« This large » French « portfolio, directly negotiated between Macron...