By Pat Elder,
December 15, 2018
Per-flouro octane-sulfo-nate or PFOS, and Per-flouro-octa-noic acid or PFOA, are the active ingredients in the foam routinely used to train soldiers...
The US: The Century of Lost Wars
Despite having the bigest military budget in the world, five times larger than the next six countries, the...
The War Between America’s Military-Industrial Complex And Turkophobic Lobbies Pushes Ankara Into Russia’s Arms
by Adam Garrie
A war between the military-industrial complex and increasingly...
April 23, 2018
Dear Senator:
As retired general and flag officers of the United States military, we write to express our profound concern about the nomination...
16 Apr, 2018
President Donald Trump reportedly favored bombing Russian and Iranian targets in Syria, before Pentagon chief James Mattis talked the US leader out...
Russia, Iran prepare multi-level response for US-led precision strike on Syria
Apr 14, 2018 @ 14:21
Moscow acted swiftly to boost its ties with Tehran and...
By Patrick Martin
9 March 2018
Part I | Part II
Candidates from a military-intelligence background are seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 40 percent...
Agents and war commanders
By Patrick Martin
8 March 2018
Part I
There are 57 candidates for the Democratic nomination in 44 congressional districts who boast...