Monday, 20 January , 2025


Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs...

New leaked documents show Reuters’ and the BBC’s involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect “attitudinal change” and “weaken the Russian state’s influence,”...

On February 4th, the greatest investigative news report that has ever...

By Eric Zuesse On February 4th was anonymously published online at not merely a data-dump such as Wikileaks famously does, but also a detailed news-report,...

Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs...

New leaked documents show Reuters’ and the BBC’s involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect “attitudinal change” and “weaken the Russian state’s influence,”...

Le gréviste de la faim grec Koufontinas risque la mort immédiate....

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos 23/02/2021 Grève de la faim grecque, depuis 45 jours maintenant, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 ans, a insisté auprès de ses médecins pour qu'ils lui...

Greek hunger striker Koufontinas faces immediate death. Costa Gavras appeals to...

By Dimitris Georgopoulos Greek hunger striker, since 45 days now, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 years old, has insisted to his doctors to remove the last instruments...

Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the...

Note: Τhe following article was published in September 2020. Since that time Kasidiaris and Lagos were sentenced to prison sentences. Kasidiaris is in prison,...

Queen of Chicken Hawks: Victoria Nuland Had A Hand in Every...

As the Senate prepares to confirm Nuland for Under Secretary for Political Affairs, a reflection of her last 30 years in government shows how...

Will the Senate Confirm Coup Plotter Nuland?

By Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies and Marcy Winograd, World BEYOND War, January 15, 2020 Who is Victoria Nuland? Most Americans have never heard...

Joe Biden and the Challenge of Ukraine

America is trapped. It cannot abandon its current policy toward Ukraine without appearing to offer Russia an undeserved victory, yet it also cannot continue...

Can Burns Change the CIA?

The hope is that diplomat William Burns, tapped for CIA director by Joe Biden, will be able to change the culture at Langley and...