Turkish private arms producer Canik delivers hundreds of heavy machine guns to Ukraine that could be combined with armoured vehicles, with more to be...
Between the nineteen fifties and nineties, Maxime Rodinson (1915–2004) was one of France’s most famous Arabists. Gifted with an admirable encyclopedic culture, author of...
Official data backs up earlier reporting on a second Ukrainian source for the controversial weapons.
By Sam Skove
October 26, 2023
Import records confirm that Ukraine acquired...
Blinken warned lawmakers Azerbaijan may invade Armenia in coming weeks
He also said State isn’t planning to renew a long-standing waiver that allows the U.S....
Turkish private arms producer Canik delivers hundreds of heavy machine guns to Ukraine that could be combined with armoured vehicles, with more to be...
By Dimitris Georgopoulos
I am reading some very strange headlines like this one speaking of mass migration: Mass Migration From Nagorno-Karabakh Continues As Breakaway Republic...
Sous la direction d'Eric Denécé et Tigrane Yegavian
Le 27 septembre 2020, avec le soutien de la Turquie et de mercenaires islamistes, l’Azerbaïdjan a déclenché...