Monday, 10 March , 2025


Turkey Sanctions Vote Underscores U.S. Breakdown With NATO Ally

By David Wainer October 30, 2019 The passage of sanctions legislation against Turkey in the U.S. House of Representatives underscores a sober reality about U.S. ties...

Russia to present own Persian Gulf security doctrine till yearend

October 23, 2019 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has said that Moscow is trying to offer its Persian Gulf security doctrine within the framework...

Latest Developments around Syria (also on Armenian genocide and Syrian constitution)

Bipartisan House Passes Bill Punishing Turkey for Syria Invasion By ALAN FRAM / AP October 29, 2019 A bipartisan bill punishing Turkey for its invasion of...

Rojava kurde: Un projet écologique menacé par l’invasion turque

Depuis le début de la semaine, l’armée turque et ses supplétifs font la guerre au Rojava. Sur place, des centaines de milliers de personnes...

Kurdish SDF troops are out of Turkish buffer zone

October 27, 2019 Damascus welcomes the withdrawal of Kurdish armed groups in Syria’s northwestern regions to a depth of 30 kilometers from the Turkish border...

Al-Baghdadi and ISIS : Real or Fake Terrorists?

ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications” By Makia Freeman Global Research, October 29, 2018 The Freedom Articles 5 April 2016 Relevant article first posted on GR...

Turkey, Russia close to deal for Sukhoi SU-35 fighter jets

Turkey’s relationship with the US has moved towards breaking point, over plans from Ankara to buy state-of-the-art Russian jets. October 26, 2019 Moscow and Ankara are...

Erdogan threatens Europe with ‘hundreds of thousands of refugees’

If someone considers our humanitarian policy weak, we will be quick to answer with a blow of the iron fist," he said 24 Oct, 2019 Turkish...

Putin-Erdogan Meeting Aims to Organise Differences and Shorten the Gap Between...

By Elijah J. Magnier 21 October 2019 In the first week of the month of October the US informed Turkey and Russia of its intention to...

Developments around Syria

Syria Says Turkish-led Forces Attacked Its Troops as Turks Claim Five Wounded in Kurdish Strike Syria's state-run SANA news agency says Turkish troops and its...