Saturday, 18 January , 2025


Turkey: Pentagon resists pro-Israeli, neocon faction in Trump’s administration

Pentagon, State Department envoy clash over sending Patriot missiles to Turkey James Jeffrey has been pressing DoD to send additional military equipment to Turkey to...

Nouvelle vague de migrants syriens : l’épreuve de trop pour l’unité...

29 février 2020 Le président turc menace une nouvelle fois l'Europe d'une déferlante migratoire. Depuis jeudi, la Turquie a ouvert ses frontières et n'empêche plus...

The threatened war in Syria will be a triumph for Trump,...

The threat of a Russia-Turkey-NATO hot war over Idlib is a godsend for US foreign policy By Darius Shahtahmasebi 28 Feb, 2020 Turkey is calling for NATO’s...

Turkey continues to ignore the UN arms embargo by supplying weapons...

By Charalambos Fotiades Turkey continues to intervene in the Libyan conflict and to support the occupation regime of Fayez Sarraj in Tripoli by supplying weapons...

Révolte en mer Égée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 25/02/2020 De violents affrontements ont lieu entre les habitants et la police dans les îles grecques de Lesbos et de Chios, au nord-est...

The point of view of Τurkish “Eurasianists” on relations with Russia

Last week in Turkey: The end of Turkey’s balancing act between Washington and Moscow By Onur Sinan Güzaltan Feb. 25, 2020 Since this February, political tensions have become...

Revolt in Eastern Aegean

Violent clashes are taking place between residents and police in the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios in northeastern Aegean. Residents of the two...

A comment on the situation in Idlib

The last few weeks in Idlib have been turbulent. This week the President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan has declared that after his telephone conversations...

Idlib: Can the center of rivalry become a zone of cooperation?

By Mehmet Perinçek 02/22/2020 In order to understand the events in Idlib, it will be useful to briefly summarize the process, up until November 15, 2015. Consensus...

Netanyahu’s people explain their strategy

The massive – but reversible – defeats of Iran and Turkey By Caroline B. Glick 02-21-2020 With our attention focused on other things – Israel's...