Sunday, 9 March , 2025


Turkish defense radar locked on Russian fighter as it bombed Syrian...

by Roy Gutman A Russian warplane on a bombing run in Syria flew within five miles of the Turkish border and may have crossed into...

Russia Returns to the Middle East

Russia Returns to the Middle East By Israel Shamir These autumn days are the most important in the Middle East calendar. The Muslims celebrate Eid...

Is Turkey Secretly Working on Nuclear Weapons?

It is a known fact that Turkey is working on nuclear matters since some decades and it has much profited by its very close...

The Refugee Crisis is a Crisis of Imperialism

by T.J. Petrowski The widely circulated photo of Aylan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy whose body was found on a beach in Turkey and whose...

Aylan Kurdi’s story: How a small Syrian child came to be...

In this article Independent reveals the tragic story of Aylan, which shocked the globe. More than three thousand refugees have died in the Mediterranean...

Buchanan on Saudi provocations

By Patrick J. Buchanan The New Year's execution by Saudi Arabia of the Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr was a deliberate provocation.   You can read...