Saturday, 22 February , 2025


The aftermath of the terror attacks

  The Brussels terror attacks have provoked various reactions and very different comments around Europe and in the world. One obvious conclusion is that Europeans can...

Christians in the Middle East: USA, Τurkey and Armenians

Robert Fisk, the Beirut based veteran correspondent of the British "Independent" for the Middle East has written a very interesting article comparing the situation with...

Forced out of Turkey

Forced out of Turkey Spiegel correspondent to Ankara speaks his story  

EU (not) addressing the refugee crisis

EU leaders are pretending to solve the problem. But most observers remain skeptical about the chance of success of their latest decisions 1. The agreement...

Syria and Russia

The announcement of a partial retreat of Russian forces from Syria puzzled more than one international observers. Here we bring to the attention of...

Erdogan goes to war

Istanbul (dpa) - The fight against terrorism is more important than "democracy, freedom and rule of law," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says. "For us,...

General realignment: Israeli General attacks Erdogan

In unusual candid remarks, a top Israeli General attacks Erdogan. One more peace in the rapidly evolving Middle Eastern puzzle    

Discussing the role of Turkish army

By Lars Haugom The Turkish military has no known intention to intervene in the political decision-making process. However, the military has retained a capacity to do...

Cyprus warns it may block Turkey-EU agreement

The president of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiades warned the EU leaders that he may exercise veto to the EU – Turkey agreement for the refugees....

Turkey has managed to conflate the refugee crisis and its own...

The EU is at best a shaky construction, but the deal with Turkey brokered by German chancellor Angela Merkel is guaranteed to lead to...