Wednesday, 26 March , 2025


Hudson on the destruction of Greeks and Greece

June 8, 2018 Also watch The Delphi Initiative - Speech by Michael Hudson

Plundered Greece

By René Zeyer, Basel Zeitung 28.06.2018 Eight years of crisis, eight years of alleged help from the EU have created a country where deep hopelessness, agony,cynicism...

Geplündertes Griechenland

Acht Jahre Krise, acht Jahre angebliche Hilfe der EU haben ein Land geschaffen, in dem tiefe Hoffnungslosigkeit, Agonie, Verzweiflung und Zynismus herrschen. René Zeyer 28.06.2018 Es...

Syriza and EU plan decades of austerity measures and privatizations

By Katerina Selin 28 June 2018 At a meeting of euro finance ministers on June 21, the EU states came to an agreement on the...