The Great War is often depicted as an unexpected catastrophe. But for millions who had been living under imperialist rule, terror and degradation were...
The issue of Syria dominated the more than hour-long phone call between the Russian and American presidents. Putin briefed Trump of his recent meeting...
by David Badash
November 14, 2017 12:12 PM
First Time Since 1976 Foreign Relations Committee Has Looked at President's Ability to Use Nuclear Weapons
During a Senate hearing...
By Jim Acosta and Barbara Starr, CNN
(CNN)A decades-old presidential authority to use nuclear weapons is suddenly coming into question as US allies and...
by Joel Gehrke
Nov 14, 2017
U.S. military officers won’t “blindly” follow a hypothetical presidential order to launch a nuclear strike, a retired general told lawmakers...
A combination of ignorance and rashness is making President Trump a particularly dangerous leader as he crashes ahead with a possible preemptive war on...
The recent leak of a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable sent to all Israeli diplomatic facilities worldwide points to the subterfuge being...