Thursday, 19 September , 2024

Trump Donald

Cold war of Trump / Navarro vs China – More dangerous...

By Andre Vltchek It is getting ugly, extremely ugly. It is increasingly looking like a war – at least a new ‘cold’, ideological war. But in the...

Rasputin in the White House

25 April 2020 Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the world has grown accustomed to the daily White House press briefings, in which a...

Trump Vetoes ‘Very Insulting’ Measure Limiting His Powers to Attack Iran

Says Constitution recognizes his right to unilaterally launch hostilities on Iran Posted on May 6, 2020 Passed in the Senate in February and the House in...

Trump called for Seoul evacuation at height of North Korea tensions,...

President’s diktat was ignored by his top officials, Peter Bergen writes in Trump and his Generals: The Cost of Chaos By Julian Borger 10 Dec 2019...

Pompeo-Trump: A “post-modern” Hitler

Pompeo repeats Chinese lab created coronavirus theory, but we may have to wait a long time for proof 6 May, 2020 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo...

The world has loved, hated and envied the US. Now, for...

By Fintan O’Toole Irish Times April 25, 2020 Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the...

Trump: preparing the War on China

Trump Threatens to Punish China Over Coronavirus Trump claims evidence virus came from US-funded Wuhan lab Posted on April 30, 2020Categories On Thursday, President Trump threatened...

Peter Navarro: A man who smears China without knowing much about...

By Andre Vltchek For many years now, it has been obvious that in both North America and Europe, smearing and provoking China has become an...

Trump, the new stage of Human Civilization. Much better than Hitler!

Donald Trump urges terminally-ill voters to hang on until election – video 6 Oct 2016 Donald Trump encourages terminally-ill voters to ‘hang out’ until the presidential...

Corona-crisis: the West, Germany and the European left

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos April 25, 2020 Humanity is facing one of the most serious and complex crises in its history. It is not only a health...