Thursday, 19 September , 2024

Trump Donald

Trump terminates one more US – Russia agreement

1992 treaty allowed trust-building surveillance flights May 21, 2020 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States is withdrawing from the 1992 Open Skies...

Gaslighting WHO? The Lancet Slams Trump’s ‘Factually Incorrect’ Threats Amid Int’l...

by Demond Cureton May 19, 2020 US threats to end funding to the world's top health administration were based on "serious and damaging" misinformation, harming international...

Trump campaign mined Facebook user data using Israeli ‘intelligence gathering’

Cambridge Analytica CEO filmed boasting of using entrapment, bribes and honey-traps to influence election 20 March 2018 A British data-mining company hired by the Donald Trump...

The Anti-Democratic Worldview of Steve Bannon and Peter Thiel

Donald Trump doesn’t wear ideology on his sleeve. But two of his most powerful advisers share a startlingly illiberal theory of politics. By JEDEDIAH PURDY November...

Капитализм не умрёт?

Димитрис Константакопулос 13.05.2020 Как это обычно бывает в кризисные времена, «ленинцы рыночной системы» могут попытаться использовать шоковую ситуацию для продвижения своей повестки дня. Они знают, что...

Corona-Crisis and Two Models of Capitalism | Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Published by Valdai Discussion Club It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...

The end of illusions: Who is the real Donald Trump

Moscow promises Washington a ‘SERIOUS TALK’ about its V-Day message that omits Soviet Union’s role in defeating Nazis 10 May, 2020 Moscow won’t fail to take...

Biden vs. Trump on Foreign Policy

by Reese Erlich Posted on May 09, 2020 We all know that President Donald Trump’s foreign policy has been a disaster. But is Joe Biden’s any...

The Neocons Strike Back

How a discredited foreign policy ideology continues to wreak havoc in Washington and around the world By Jacob Heilbrunn January 23, 2020 Illustration by Ryan Olbrysh There was...

Donald Trump ‘kept book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches in his bedside...

In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader's 'Mein Kampf' but said he had would never read speeches Benjamin Kentish Monday 20...