Sunday, 8 September , 2024

Trump Donald

It’s not about Trump: Berlin says relations with US are so...

28 Jun, 2020 The days of the good old ‘transatlantic partnership’ have passed, Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has admitted, adding that even the Democrats...

South Korea says Bolton’s memoir on Trump-Kim summit is distorted

By Hyonhee Shin Jun22, 2020 SEOUL (Reuters) - Accounts by former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton of discussions between leaders of the United States and...

Facebook removes Trump campaign ads that used Nazi symbol

By Euronews with AP  19/06/2020 Facebook has removed campaign ads funded by the Trump campaign due to the use of a symbol previously used by Nazis to...

Trump is trashing arms control treaties and making the world more...

By The Times Editorial Board June 11, 2020 Since 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has maintained a so-called Doomsday Clock designed to indicate how close...

America to end ‘era of endless wars’ & stop being policeman,...

13 Jun, 2020 US President Donald Trump has declared that America will shift its focus from waging “endless wars” and being the “policeman of the...

La crise du Coronavirus et les deux modèles de capitalisme

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Il est clair que nous entrons dans une ère de conflits sociaux, politiques et internationaux très graves et que nous ne...

Would-be führer Trump steps up coup plotting

12 June 2020 Donald Trump is stepping up his efforts to manufacture a pretext for a declaration of martial law and the deployment of the...

Neoliberal Globalizers vs. Neocon Neofascists, Army vs. the President

Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Apologizes For Role In Trump Photo Op | NBC Nightly News Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...

Top Military Officers Unload on Trump

The commander in chief is impulsive, disdains expertise, and gets his intelligence briefings from Fox News. What does this mean for those on the...

The Madness of Donald

by Melvin Goodman June 10, 2020 “Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country.  This...