Thursday, 19 September , 2024

Trump Donald

Clinton Campaign Chief Describes ‘Feud’ Between Obama, Netanyahu – WikiLeaks

Podesta wrote this in an email detailing Clinton’s commitment to Israel after Megan Rouse, his daughter, had asked for advice in discussing the matter with critics of the eventual Democratic Party nominee.

Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Talk Border Fence

“Mr. Trump agreed that the military assistance provided to Israel and missile defense cooperation with Israel are an excellent investment for America. Mr. Trump said that under a Trump administration, there will be extraordinary strategic, technological, military and intelligence cooperation between the two countries,” the campaign said in a statement. “Mr.

No Matter Who Wins the Election, Military Spending Is Here to...

Pillar one supporting that edifice: ideology. As long as most Americans accept the notion that it is the God-given mission and right of the United States to go anywhere on the planet and do more or less anything it cares to do with its military, you won’t see Pentagon spending brought under real control. Think of this as the military corollary to American exceptionalism—or just call it the doctrine of armed exceptionalism, if you will.

US presidential elections – the meaning of a farce

But maybe more worrisome than all those, already very worrisome “objective” facts, is the level of discourse emitted by the two persons competing to become Presidents of the most powerful country of the world. They want to rule the superpower and the world. But you will hardly find in the insults they exchange any meaningful idea on what they will do with the formidable challenges in front of their country and the planet.

Syria: Trump-Clinton agree on military escalation

Tuesday night’s debate between the vice presidential candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties was a display of mudslinging, lies, canned rhetoric and phony promises on a par with the first debate between the presidential candidates the previous week, with one telling exception.

The Death of Neoliberalism

The western financial crisis of 2007-8 was the worst since 1931, yet its immediate repercussions were surprisingly modest. The crisis challenged the foundation stones of the long-dominant neoliberal ideology but it seemed to emerge largely unscathed. The banks were bailed out; hardly any bankers on either side of the Atlantic were prosecuted for their

Hacked Colin Powell Email: Bohemian Grove Attendees Will Vote Against Trump,...

An email hacked from Colin Powell’s Gmail account has him writing that he had just returned from the famed Bohemian Grove — a place the Washington Post oncedescribed as “where the rich and powerful go to misbehave” — and that most attendees there will not vote for Donald Trump and find him to be a “disaster.” Powell further reported that “quite a few will

Nationalism and Climate Change

In a year of record-setting heat on a blistered globe, with fast-warmingoceans, fast-melting ice caps, and fast-rising sea levels, ratification of the December 2015 Paris climate-summit agreement—already endorsed by most nations—should be a complete no-brainer. That it isn’t tells you a great deal about our world. Global geopolitics and the possible rightward

Leila Khaled on ISIS and Islamism, Syria and the Palestinians

A terrorist for the Israelis, Khaled was a symbol throughout the world for the Palestinian armed struggle, following her participation in one of the four simultaneous hijackings of September 1970, inspiring songs, films and works of art internationally. These hijackings were part of the Palestinian “response” to the ignominious defeat they suffered with the

How Israel Is Losing America

To be sure, to some extent, Ball’s position still represents a cry in the desert. After all, America has not wavered in its commitment to maintaining Israel’s “qualitative military edge.” In fact, US President Barack Obama’s administration has broken all historical records in its military aid to Israel, even as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has shown no