Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Irish voters reject the Right: a new opportunity for the Left?

by Harry Browne February 13, 2020 Sinn Féin, a nationalist party that sits with the left/far-left group in the European parliament and from the 1970s...

The Socialist Evolution of Bernie Sanders

He favored nationalization of industry in the 1970s, and he defended Ortega and Cuba in the 1980s ByElliot Kaufman Feb. 2, 2020 Agree or disagree with...

Socialisme et autogestion (Contribution à une esquisse des fondements de la...

Par Michel Paptis L'autogestion est devenue synonyme de la démocratie socialiste, c'est-à-dire du régime qui caractérise la société de transition succédant au capitalisme. On ne...

On the death of Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky (1942–2019)

By Clara Weiss 19 November 2019 On October 27, 2019, Vladimir Bukovsky, a well-known Soviet dissident and critic of Vladimir Putin, died in the UK. Falsely...

Hugo Blanco y el periódico LUCHA INDÍGENA (with English subtitles)

Oct. 12, 2014 El periódico LUCHA INDÍGENA, cuyo director es el luchador social Hugo Blanco, publicó su primer número en marzo de 2006 y muy...

The Yellow Vests: a leftist movement which does not want to...

Α Revolt struggling to give birth to a Revolution By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 20, 2019 3rd of three articles (first and second). Nation, worker, left and right… all...

Le « camarade » Pablo, la IVe Internationale, et la guerre...

par PATTIEU Sylvain 12 janvier 2009 Pendant la guerre d’Algérie, le premier réseau de soutien au FLN a été celui de la IVe Internationale. La section...

The ghost of 1789 looms over France and Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  December 14th, 2018 "No Christmas this year" is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France,...

Poland: 25 years of counterrevolution – poverty, unemployment, homelessness

25/06/2014 Text below is a translation of the article "25 lat kontrrewolucji" 25 years passed since the symbolic end of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL)...

Hommage à Alan Roberts 1925-2017

Par Hall Greenland Ouvrier d’usine, puis Professeur de physique, et devenu un pionnier de l’écologie, Alan Roberts au retour de la deuxième guerre mondiale a...