Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Arming the Revolution

Resolution adopted by the Fifth Congress of Soviets on the question of war and peace presented by Comrade Trotsky The Fifth All-Russia Congress of Soviets of...

Centenary of the Russian Revolution and the Repudiation of Debt

by Eric Toussaint 23 October 2017 In February 1918, the repudiation of the debt by the Soviet government shocked international finance and sparked off unanimous condemnation...

Peculiarities of Russia’s Development

From Leon Trotsky's "History of the Russian Revolution"   The fundamental and most stable feature of Russian history is the slow tempo of her development, with...

Raymond Challinor:Hitler’s Backbone was German Big Business

I think that Ian Kershaw’s biography of Hitler is the best so far to appear, but I am far from being as enthusiastic about...

Trotsky, the rise of Nazism and German- Soviet relations

by Jean P. Joubert Can it be that there are eloquent silences in Trotsky's writings? The question may seem ridiculous, for, in truth, it seems...

Leon Trotsky The National Question in Catalonia (July 1931)

Written: July 13, 1931. First Published: The Militant, Vol. IV No. 24, 19 September 19 1931 (article Maurin and the Catalonian Question, first part signed...

Comment Trotsky explique la soumission européenne aux USA

Par Nicolas Bonnal 29 Septembre 2016 Depuis quand, et pourquoi, sommes-nous ainsi soumis aux américains ? Voyons un maître pour comprendre la situation. Contrairement à ses disciples...

Power, Socialism and Bureaucracy (a classic text)

The opposition will always retain as one of its merits, as against the party, a merit which nothing can remove, the fact that it has, in good time, sounded the alarm on the terrible decline of the spirit of activity of the working classes, and on their increasing indifference towards the destiny of the dictatorship of the proletariat and of the Soviet state.

Leon Trotsky and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party

I joined the Labour Party in 1963. I was eighteen-years-old and did not have a very good understanding of politics. Politics and West Ham United were the main subjects discussed in the lunch-time break in the Barking factory where I worked. Football was no problem but I struggled when it came to political issues. The man who seemed to know most about

100 Years On: Sykes-Picot Agreement Still Haunts the Middle East

100 years ago, the terms of a secret deal dividing the Middle East between the UK and France were put forward. A century on,...