Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Και τώρα τι; Μετά τον σεισμό για τα Τέμπη

sasfadf Είθε η Σταύρωση των παιδιών στα Τέμπη να γίνει ο πρόλογος για την Ανάσταση της χώρας μας. Του Δημήτρη Κωνσταντακόπουλου 28 Ιανουαρίου 2025 Ενώπιον του πάνδημου ξεσηκωμού...

Greeks revolt against the most corrupted government in living memory

Greeks Flood Syntagma Sq. To Protest Corruption And Injustice! Jan 26, 2025 ALSO IN ASTORIA, A LIVELY DEMONSTRATION IN ATHENS SQUARE!!  A Sea of People...

The Austerity Train Wreck

By James K. Galbraith Mar 10, 2023 If human error is to blame for the deadly train collision in Greece on February 28, the responsibility ultimately...

Tempi victims’ families urge Serres locals to not vote ex Transport...

May 15, 2023 Relatives of the victims of the deadly train collision in Tempi gathered outside the office of New Democracy politician, Costas Karamanlis, who...

Chief traffic manager of OSE dies in traffic accident VIDEO

March 27, 2023 The chief traffic manager at the Greek Railways Organization (OSE), Konstantinos Chrysagis, died following a motorcycle crash on Sunday. The 66-year-old died...

Greek Student Fodder and Recognition: a Misleading Story

All the glisters is not gold; Often have ye heard that told; Many a man his life hath sold, But my outside to behold; Gilded tombs do worms...

Clashes break out in Greece as thousands protest against train tragedy

Facing a huge mass movement, with demonstrations in all important towns of Greece and two general strikes already, the Greek rightwing governement has ordered...

The Austerity Train Wreck

By James K. Galbraith Mar 10, 2023 If human error is to blame for the deadly train collision in Greece on February 28, the responsibility ultimately...

New General Strike in Greece Over Rail Disaster to Ground Planes

By Tasos Kokkinidis March 14, 2023 A new nationwide strike will take place in Greece on Thursday over the deadly rail collision at Tempi that claimed...

Rage in Greece continues over the 57 victims of train crash

March 12, 2023 This is the saddest newspaper front page since a long time. The names and the ages of the victims of the train...