Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Traditional Medicine

Indigenous Leaders Call for an End to Environmental Destruction at Day...

By Jenna Kunz April 19, 2023 This story is published as part of the Global Indigenous Affairs Desk, an Indigenous-led collaboration between Grist, High Country News, ICT, Mongabay, and Native News...

Pharmacopée africaine et traitements anti-covid. L’Afrique pourrait faire craquer Big Pharma

20.01.22 - Italie - Lorenzo Poli Cet article est aussi disponible en: Italien Les scientifiques occidentaux avaient prédit que le Covid ferait un carnage en...

Venezuela, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Photography

Global U is co-organizing the following online webinars in March and April, 2021. Join us!  They include weekly webinars on Venezuela in Struggle, webinars...

The world social forum 2021

WSF activities co-organized by Global U: Please visit Global U website for activity details and readers:   WSF website to register persons or organizations, activities and...

L’ Afrique, périphérie de la crise ou épicentre de la solution...

Apparu dans la ville de Wuhan en Chine, diffusé en Asie et en Europe via les foyers iranien, italien, français ou espagnol, frappant massivement...

Pharmaceutical colonialism in Africa

Big drug companies are conducting clinical trials in Africa with no consideration for ethics, the health of patients or the relevance of the drugs...

L’Afrique, cobaye de Big Pharma

Attirés par la faiblesse des coûts et des contrôles, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques testent leurs produits en Afrique, au mépris de la sécurité des patients....

Cuban Health Care: A Good Example of Integrating Alternative Therapies

 BY Dr. J. E. Williams 2 Νοε 2012 At the time of the Cuban revolution, the largely rural population of the largest island in the Caribbean...

Cuban Health Care: A Good Example of Integrating Alternative Therapies

By Dr. J. E. Williams Nov 2, 2012 At the time of the Cuban revolution, the largely rural population of the largest island in the...

BRICS: Superpowers in Traditional Medicine

Final Declaration of the Meeting of BRICS Country Specialists in traditional medicine The Meeting of BRICS country specialists in traditional medicine was held as part...