Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Trade unions

La CGT, l’Europe et l’Union Sacrée

Par Jean-Pierre Page Le monde change, la multiplication d’évènements internationaux de première importance montre que le rapport des forces global tend à se modifier, l’initiative...

North Korea pans ‘gangster-like mindset’ of US as Pompeo signals ‘progress’...

NK officials: US attitude 'regrettable' By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN July 07, 2018 (CNN) - North Korea slammed what it called the United States' "gangster-like mindset" in denuclearization...

Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – The CGTP-IN...

70 years of the Nakba - Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – The CGTP-IN condemns the massacre perpetrated by Israel -...

Mouvement social, Etat fort et renversement du rapport des forces, par...

8.mai.2018 Deux événements, également importants mais qui se situent dans des registres différents, viennent de se produire en cette fin de semaine. Le premier est,...

Major strikes in France against ex-Rothschild banker Macron’s plans

3 April 2018 Many different sectors of the working class in France began massive strikes this morning, after railroad workers stopped work last night. Rail...

Dismiss pregnant women if you wish!

Pregnant women can be dismissed as part of redundancy rounds, ECJ rules Feb 22, 2018 Pregnant women and new mothers are normally afforded immunity from workplace...

Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Approves Workers’ Councils Law

The Constitutional Law of Productive Councils of Workers gives legal status to bodies which already exist in many workplaces and is aimed at giving...

Nightmares: German Workers and the Far Right. Is there any Left...

Workers of Germany, Unite: The New Siren Call of the Far Right By KATRIN BENNHOLDFEB. 5, 2018 BOTTROP, Germany — Guido Reil is a coal miner,...

EU Imposes Anti-Union Law on Greece

by Will Podmore February 2, 2018 Under instructions from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Greek government pushed through...

(Counter)Reforms: Turning Europeans into semi-Slaves

Precarious work: Europe’s new reserve army by Harald Schumann and Elisa Simantke Oct. 25, 2017 Millions of Europeans in temporary, part-time or bogus self-employed contracts can only...