Friday, 10 January , 2025


EU poised to create massive transatlantic facial-recognition database, link with US

By Helen Buyniski, RT |22 Feb, 2020 The EU is laying the groundwork for a massive international facial recognition database that may someday hook into the one...

British Labour becomes an open instrument of Israel and Zionism!

All four Labour leadership candidates declare themselves zionists or supporters of zionism By Lamiat Sabin February 14, 2020 LABOUR leadership candidates declared themselves zionists or supporters...

Orwell & Huxley were BOTH right, Roger Waters tells RT

26 Oct, 2019 With the mainstream media largely content to ignore the plight of Julian Assange, did George Orwell or Aldous Huxley better predict the...

Roger Waters ads banned by Major League Baseball after outcry from...

8 Feb, 2020 Major League Baseball (MLB) has stopped running promotions of Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters on its platforms, after caving in to pressure...

Malgré les critiques, Londres va bien déployer la reconnaissance faciale en...

Après une phase d’expérimentation, la technologie va maintenant être utilisée de manière officielle, au grand dam des association de défenses des libertés individuelles Par Jean-Yves...

Interdit d’interdire – Jean-Luc Mélenchon face aux nouvelles frontières En...

Jan.28, 2020 Frédéric Taddeï reçoit Jean-Luc Mélenchon, président du groupe La France insoumise à l'Assemblée nationale. Au programme : la lutte des classes, l’euro, le capitalisme,...

MSM silence on OPCW Douma scandal ‘ridiculous’, says journalist gagged by...

28 Dec, 2019 The refusal of almost every Western media outlet to cover the leaks implicating the chemical weapons watchdog of doctoring its Syria report...

The prosecution of Glenn Greenwald and the global war on free...

23 January 2020 The “criminal conspiracy” charges levelled by the Brazilian government against Intercept Brasil publisher and renowned investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald is the latest...

La géopolitique de l’élection britannique

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 5 décembre 2019 Les élections britanniques prévues le 12 décembre constituent une étape importante pour l'évolution de la situation européenne et mondiale. Il...

Neo-Hitlerian Trump: Killing for bad words

Trump: Iranian General Was ‘Saying Bad Things’ About US Says Soleimani's comments led to decision to kill him Posted on January 19, 2020ories Tags President Trump...