Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Theodorakis Mikis

Greece’s Crisis and the Relevance of the “Generation of the ‘30’s...

Βy Leonidas Petrakis*, PhD January 26, 2018 For Greece 2004 was a remarkable year. Events that were celebrated with great enthusiasm by Greeks all over the...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and the upcoming War against Iran In an article entitled “No to the new Crime!”,...

The European Left and the Greek Tragedy

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)   The day Greek workers and employees went on general strike, protesting against a new barrage of so-called “reforms” imposed by the...

After the EU……what?

“To be or not to be?”, was the question that tortured Hamlet. “To be or not to be in Europe?” is the question the British put to themselves time and time again, usually only to avoid giving an unambiguous answer. For the French writer Andre Maurois, England is a country “alone but not isolated” (insulaire mais pas isolée