Freemuse condemns Spanish government for jailing of rapper Pablo Hasél
"Laws need to be changed" says Denmark-based organization which advocates for artistic freedom
20 February 2021
Freemuse, an independent international organization advocating for freedom of artistic...
How a rapper’s arrest in Spain sparked riots and fierce debate...
By Luke Hurst
Feb.23, 2021
Every night since last Tuesday, protesters have been taking to the streets of Barcelona and other Spanish cities in their thousands, calling...
Koufontinas in front of death. A European first after Boby Sands?
Police detains 60 people protesting in solidarity with “17 Nov” convict Koufontinas
February 18, 2021
Greek police detained 60 people who staged a protest outside the...
The New Greek Authoritarianism
Note: During the debate on the new law on education, Yanis Varoufakis brought to the Greek parliament six reports by the US Embassy in...
Dimitris Koufontinas, greviste de faim, en danger immediat de mort
Informations sur la situation du gréviste de la faim Dimitris Koufontinas
Feb.14, 2021
En tant qu'avocate et désignée comme son représentant légal, j'ai visité pour la...
Greek Section of Amnesty International: Serious concern over the treatment...
In relation to the case of 63 year-old prisoner Dimitris Koufondinas who is currently on a lengthy hunger-strike in protest of his transfer from...
Biden’ s audacity: Disrespect to the Emperor!
White House denies Biden is snubbing Israel's Netanyahu
February 12, 2021
The White House on Friday denied that U.S. President Joe Biden was intentionally snubbing Israeli...
Nigeria deepens security ties with Egypt to battle Boko Haram
By George Mikhail
Feb.8, 2021
Egypt is concentrating on strengthening its economic and security influence in Nigeria and consolidating relations with the ruling regime there. On...
ACLU Warns a Domestic War on Terror Could Unfairly Harm People...
January 19, 2021
Outrage continues to build as more evidence emerges about participants in the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, which included members...
Don’t Give Domestic Extremists the ‘Post-9/11 Treatment’
Government responses to Capitol rioters must be research-based and not just emotional reactions.
By Max Abrahms
You may remember the Walmart shooting in El Paso, Texas,...