February 24, 2021
Judicial authorities ordered the force-feeding of “17. November” convict Dimitris Koufontinas who is on hunger strike on the 48th days and on...
The last hours and days both journalists and simple citizens in Greece protest accusing Facebook and Twitter of censoring their texts with which they...
Par Dimitris Georgopoulos
Grève de la faim grecque, depuis 45 jours maintenant, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 ans, a insisté auprès de ses médecins pour qu'ils lui...
By Dimitris Georgopoulos
Greek hunger striker, since 45 days now, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 years old, has insisted to his doctors to remove the last instruments...
"Laws need to be changed" says Denmark-based organization which advocates for artistic freedom
20 February 2021
Freemuse, an independent international organization advocating for freedom of artistic...
By Luke Hurst
Feb.23, 2021
Every night since last Tuesday, protesters have been taking to the streets of Barcelona and other Spanish cities in their thousands, calling...
Police detains 60 people protesting in solidarity with “17 Nov” convict Koufontinas
February 18, 2021
Greek police detained 60 people who staged a protest outside the...
Informations sur la situation du gréviste de la faim Dimitris Koufontinas
Feb.14, 2021
En tant qu'avocate et désignée comme son représentant légal, j'ai visité pour la...