Thursday, 6 February , 2025

Tactical Nuclear War

US push for low-yield nukes makes atomic war MORE likely as...

By Nebojsa Malic 30 Apr, 2020 The US State Department’s case for tactical nuclear weapons is a case study in psychological projection not seen since the...

Dangerous games: US NUKES Russia in ‘mini exercise’ attended by Pentagon...

22 Feb, 2020 US Defense Secretary Mark Esper played himself in a drill at the US Strategic Command HQ in Nebraska, which featured a bizarre...

US deploys “usable” nuclear weapon amid continuing war threats against Iran

1 February 2020 The Pentagon deployed a new, smaller nuclear warhead aboard the ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee as it sailed into the Atlantic last...

The low-yield nuclear warhead: A dangerous weapon based on bad strategic...

By Andrew Facini, January 28, 2020 In the unintuitive world of nuclear weapons strategy, it’s often difficult to identify which decisions can serve to decrease...

The Iran Plans

Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb? By Seymour M. Hersh April 9, 2006 The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy...