by Igor Kuznetsov
Jan.18, 2021
Sweden's lax COVID-19 approach has triggered polarising reactions across the globe, ranging from admiration to scepticism. Still, many more Swedes have...
By Bryan Dyne
14 December 2020
The “herd immunity” policy pursued by the Swedish government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has produced a catastrophe. With...
By Jordan Shilton
28 December 2020
Sweden recorded last month its deadliest November since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. With 8,088 deaths registered in the...
December 23, 2020
L’un des aspects les plus frappants dans la pandémie de Covid-19, c’est la différence radicale des stratégies mises en place d’un pays...
‘NATO-option’ gets majority in Swedish parliament
By Pekka Vanttinen
Dec. 10, 2020
For the first time in Sweden’s history the so-called “NATO-option” has obtained a majority in...
Marcello Ferrada de Noli has studied Sweden’s response to the virus and advises countries elsewhere to reject the neoliberal model and survive instead
By Marcello Ferrada de...
By Jordan Shilton
Nov. 20, 2020
Someone is dying every 17 seconds in Europe from the coronavirus. Daily COVID-19 fatalities are consistently over 4,000, with the...