Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Pentagon pushes back on claim that US to leave Turkey’s Incirlik...

Senator Ron Johnson said the United States is considering basing more forces on Crete as relations with Turkey deteriorate. Sep 16, 2020 A Pentagon spokesman pushed back...

Greece – the clearance sale of military bases to the United...

The United States have profited cleverly from Greece’s financial problems in order to force them to sign a contract which would enable the USA...

POMPEO GO HOME: Thousands demonstrated against the visit of the U.S....

Oct.5, 2019 Thousands of workers, people of every age, participate in today's demonstrations in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against the visit of the...

Erdogan in Athen, damit Zypern an USA, Großbritannien und Israel ausgeliefert...

Dimitris Konstantakopulos 10 Dezember 2017 Was waren die eigentlichen Gründe für den Besuch Erdogans in Athen? Der Journalist Dimitris Konstantakopulos geht der Sache auf den Grund Original...