Friday, 7 March , 2025


Spanish Soap Opera ends in drama

Last September 25th Basque and Galician citizens went to the polls to elect their autonomous parliaments. Some political analysts thought that the elections could be a catalyst for change in the Spanish political situation. The outcome was, more or less, what was expected, but it has had unforeseen consequences: a civil war inside the Spanish

Running against the time

The location of the third European No-Euro-Forum itself, Chianciano Terme in Tuscany, can be considered symbolic for the urgent need of an exit strategy to leave the corset of the currency union: during the 80ties it was a prosperous small town with it’s hot springs and hundreds of hotels where workers and pensioners spent their spa stays, financed from a

Spanish soap opera

On June 26th this year Spanish voters went to the polls to elect a parliament for the second time in six months. The Popular Party won, but it did not get a large enough majority to continue in power.

Construire un pont entre l’islam et la République

L'islam de France m'a toujours paru être une grande cause nationale. Avec 4,1 millions de fidèles, selon l'Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), il constitue la deuxième religion de France. Certes, tous les immigrés d'origine maghrébine, africaine ou turque, et pour la plupart de nationalité française, ne sont pas musulmans, mais ils le sont

Catalans believe their problem is Spain

Hundreds of thousands of Catalonians have gathered in five different towns of Spanish autonomous community to encourage the speeding up of the process of breakaway from Spain, to which central government is fiercely opposed, according to reports of local media.

States become largely irrelevant, still everybody wants one!

CATALONIA’S regional parliament has approved a plan to set up a road map for independence from Spain by 2017, in defiance of the central government. The proposal was made by pro-secession politicians from the Together For Yes alliance and the extreme left-wing Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP). The groups together obtained a parliamentary majority in regional elections in September.

Spain: Debt Wars against the South

According to data released by the Bank of Spain, the Spanish public debt exceeded in the first quarter of 2016 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), for the first time in more than a century. Between January and March, the government accumulated a debt of 1.095 billion euros.

The Spanish election outcome: Brussels will be happy

It would sound strange for a normal democratic country that a party with a long history of major corruption scandals, a party which had implemented an austerity policy that condemns to poverty and precarity millions of citizens, which had enacted laws that seriously erode civil rights, whose government uses police to spy on the opposition parties and fabricate false evidence against them, could win an election. But this seems to be the rule in Spain.

Podemos: reclaiming Europe is a revolutionary slogan

A few days before the elections in Spain, we talk to Jorge Moruno of Podemos about his European strategy and the possibility of building a transnational network of rebel cities.

Germany (but not its workers) gets richer from Greece’s destruction

While the gap between northern countries, such as the Netherlands, and southern states like Portugal has long been a feature of the euro bloc, the study by an arm of German fund manager Flossbach von Storch shows it is getting ever wider.