Monday, 10 March , 2025


Israel and Catalonia

Netanyahu has no comment on Catalonia referendum By Herb Keinon Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who in recent weeks came out in favor of Iraqi Kurdish independence,...

Madrid against Catalonia

Madrid’s Violent Tactics See Catalan Independence Voters Switch Sides The “dreadful” and “unjustified” violence meted out by heavily-armed troops on unarmed and peacefully assembled voters...

La Catalogne ensanglantée, par Jacques Sapir

Les incidents qui ont émaillé le “referendum” sur l’indépendance de la Catalogne sont de très mauvais augure. On ne peut pas, sans une émotion...

Les risques de la prolifération étatique, par Pascal Boniface

Pascal Boniface (@PascalBoniface), directeur de l’IRIS (, revient sur les référendums autour de l’autonomie du kurdistan irakien et de l’indépendance de la Catalogne.

Catalonia Dreaming?

by Guillem Vidal 28 September 2017 Just days away from the referendum promoted by secessionist forces, Spanish police arrested over a dozen senior officials from...

Catalan students strike in support of referendum

More than 16,000 students flood Barcelona to back October 1 independence vote Catalan students went on strike on Thursday, taking to the streets in support...

The arguments of Madrid against independence

Myths and falsehoods of the catalan independence movement EL PAÍS analyzes 10 claims commonly made by separatists to support their cause By Xavier Vidal-Folch and José...

Crackdown in Catalonia

An interview with Manolo Monereo Podemos MP Manolo Monereo discusses the road from Spain’s political crisis to the standoff over Catalan independence. Since early September...

Podemos, Catalonia and the workers’ movement in the Spanish state

By Héctor Sierra Posted on 29th June 2017 Three years ago, the Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy looked like the captain of a sinking ship.1 Following...

Europe’s Stateless Nations in the Era of Globalization

The Case for Catalonia's Secession from Spain By Josep Desquens April 1, 2003 "The life of the Catalan is an act of continuous affirmation It is...