Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


The ECB Must Finance COVID-19 Deficits

Having witnessed the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent eurozone debt crisis, Europe's policymakers should already realize what the COVID-19 pandemic could mean for...

Spain unveils ‘unprecedented’ €200 billion coronavirus package

March 18, 2020 Spain announced a €200 billion package on Tuesday (17 March) to help companies and protect workers and other vulnerable groups affected by...

En Espagne, les mairies citoyennes affichent un bilan mitigé

Par Ludovic Lamant 8 février 2020 À l’approche des municipales en France, plusieurs travaux universitaires dressent un premier bilan de l’expérience vivifiante des « mairies rebelles » d’Espagne, apparues en...

Spain’s “Progressive Government” Is Already Under Siege

The PSOE-Podemos coalition promises to roll back recent attacks on labor rights and provide a negotiated solution to the Catalan crisis. But the new...


El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 13 de enero de 2020 Sobre Francia hay que señalar varias cosas, “primero el éxito de la lucha...

The new PSOE/UP government in Spain (and left in Portugal and...

by Klaus Dräger Since 7 January 2020, there is a new government in place in Spain. PSOE's Pedro Sanchez is again Prime Minister. He is...

Spain, UK and France will help Chilean police optimize its killing...

The joint work not only aims to exchange experiences around violent demonstrations, but also to learn about protocols, tactics, and strategies to "restore public order." 25 November...

Barcelone, capitale européenne de la cocaïne

23/10/2019 Selon une étude internationale menée dans 37 pays, la cité catalane serait la ville européenne où la concentration de cocaïne dans les eaux usées est...

Igglesias warns Podemos’ members on “necessary concessions”

Spain’s PM has a governing deal; now he needs to sell it to Congress Nov.15, 2019 The caretaker prime minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez of the...

Podemos Is Finally in Government

BY EOGHAN GILMARTIN, TOMMY GREENE After a failed early election gambit, Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has finally accepted Podemos into his government. It’s...