Thursday, 13 March , 2025


L’ Avenir est public

« L’avenir est public ». Ces 1400 remunicipalisations qui dessinent les contours des services publics de demain Publié le : 16 juin 2020 Un nouvel ouvrage collectif tire les...

Spain Blocks Sales of Handcuffs, Equipment to Israel Over Human Rights...

Spanish newspaper El Pais says Madrid has vetoed sale of data security equipment, handcuffs and electrical equipment for fear they may be used in...

EU Recovery Fund, Next Generation EU: Who shall benefit? | By...

As a follow up to the joint proposal of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on creating an EU Recovery Fund...

François Ruffin: “La démondialisation est un moyen, mais pas une fin”

par Kévin Boucaud-Victoire 09/06/2020 à 18:57 Dans son dernier livre, "Leur folie, nos vies", François Ruffin revient sur la crise du coronavirus et propose un nouveau projet...

The police murder of George Floyd sparks mass protests throughout the...

6 June 2020 This weekend, hundreds of thousands of workers and youth will protest the police murder of George Floyd, not only in the United...

When European leaders speak of offering grants… | By Herman Michiel...

Timeo neoliberales et dona ferentes  I would like to draw attention to an unusual proposal for overcoming the economical consequences of the corona crisis which...

Espagne, France, Italie…les coutures de l’appareil politique se déchirent

May 6, 2020 Par Nuevo Curso.Traduit de l’Espagnole et commenté par:  les 7 du quebec This article is available in 5 languages on this webmagazine: 6.05.2020-nuevo-English-Italiano This article...

Spain, France, Italy… the seams of the political apparatus are tearing

Translated and commented by Robert Bibeau, Publisher of the webmagazine On: The bickering among the thuriferous The seams of the political apparatus of European countries...

Alberto ‘Tito’ Álvarez – The Spanish Taxi Drivers’ War on Uber...

April 26, 2020 In early 2014 taxi drivers in Barcelona rebelled against the unbridled growth of Uber, the online ride service. In six years they...

L’économie mondiale en plein chaos

Par Michel Husson May 17, 2020 «N’importe quel enfant sait que toute nation crèverait, qui cesserait le travail, je ne veux pas dire pour un an,...