Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Sans le soutien de l’Occident, le régime de Zelensky s’effondrera dans...

Aug 29, 2023 Eric Denécé – docteur en science politique, directeur du Centre Français de Recherche sur le Renseignement (CF2R), estime que la cause profonde...

The New Imperialist Structure

by Samir Amin Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...

Manifesto for Constitutional Sovereignty

1. PREAMBLE The longest and gravest cycle of crises in the history of capitalism after that of 1929 has brought the popular classes and large...

Sovereignty and the State of Emergency

France and the United States by Jean-Claude Paye (Jan 01, 2017) Following the July 14, 2016, massacre in Nice, French President François Hollande once again extended for three...

A worldwide attack on popular/national sovereignty: the case of Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan sovereignty, non negotiable! An intellectually inspired Sri Lanka Viyathmaga Workshop on International Relations Colombo, 13 May 2018 by Tamara Kunanayakam Sri Lankan sovereignty, its supremacy in domestic...

L’initiative «No Billag» menace la sécurité de la Suisse

Par Alexis Pfefferlé, 5 novembre 2017 La radio-télévision publique est un élément vital de notre souveraineté, explique Alexis Pfefferlé, spécialiste du renseignement économique. En contrôlant...

“Brazil has Lost Control Over its Natural Resources Because it has...

By Mariana Pitasse To the MST leader, foreign capital controls the country after the coup institutional coup that ousted Dilma. One of the main issues of...

Bolivia and Equador: Recovering Sovereignty over Natural Resources

This document analyzes the renegotiation process of oil and gas contracts in two Latin American countries, Bolivia and Ecuador, from 2003 to 2010 and the measures taken for sectorial policy reform in the hydrocarbon sector and our conclusions are that it has been favourable.